Saturday, August 29, 2015

August 29, 2015 Hello!

I'm new at this blogging thing.  But I'm always wanting to gather and try new ideas whether it is decorating my home, trying a new recipes, a craft, organizing, creating a new look from my wardrobe or new lessons for my Kinder classroom at the Montessori school I teach.

First off please forgive me if I make mistakes blogging...I'm a newbie.  I am always trying to improve myself as a teacher, wife and mother!  Currently I'm trying to juggle my job and family while trying to carve out a few minutes out of the day to improve my health.  I must admit I have not been very successful at that!  And I'm hoping that by blogging I can hold myself more accountable in that area!

I will be trying to organize my time more efficiently so that I can cook at home more, eat out less, look more polished and professional at my job as Executive Director and Kinder teacher at School, and not spend my entire weekend cleaning the house!  LOL I know I'm overwhelmed just thinking about trying this!  My target date to begin officially blogging my progress and ideas will be Sept 8th...the First day of my school year.  Thanks for stopping by and I hope you continue with me to follow this new adventure!

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