Tuesday, September 8, 2015

2015-2016 School Year Day 1 of Blog!

Well today is the official start of our 2015-2016 school year!  I'm more than ready to begin the school year and say good by to summer.  It has been a very wet and rainy summer this year.  My family enjoys camping and we have not been able to spend most weekends camping as Mother Nature had other plans!  We were able to get away this past Labor Day weekend and go kayaking on the Meramac River.  The weather was beautiful and it was a much needed relaxing weekend.

My objective for this blog is to help not only myself become more polished and professional in my career but continue to provide my family with a comfortable, organized and healthy home.  I'm also hoping to improve my health.  I want, no I NEED to lose about 30 lbs.  My daughter graduates this year from High School and we are wanting to take her to Mexico as her graduation gift.  I would like to be 30 lbs lighter so that not only would I look better but I would be healthier and feel more comfortable in a bathing suit.  I'm currently reading the book The Carb Nite Solution by John Kiefer, BA, MS.  I know a few people that have read the book and this diet has done amazing things for their bodies.  The hardest part for me is finding the time to read it!  I'll keep you posted when I've completed the book and can begin the diet.  I'm 100 pages into it so far.

Another book that I'm working my way through is one I bought in 2001!  LOL  I love books and will often buy them but don't get to them right away.  Daily Word for Families, Linking My Heart with Those I Love  by Colleen Zuck, Janie Wright and Elaine Meyer.  I picked this book to share the daily inspirations, there are 365 so it seemed fitting to begin with this book first!  Today's inspiration:  "Thought by thought, you can change your outlook and your attitude.  Thought by thought, you can change your life"--Martha Smock.  I think this rings very true for me at this time in my life and on my new adventure as a "blogger".

My "to do list" for today:
Organize the Master Bath, I'm also working on organizing my home office.  That is a constant work in progress! :)

Here's a picture of my lessons organized in two tall shelves from Walmart that my hubs put together and anchored to the wall for safety. The plastic containers were purchased at The Dollar General and are labeled by subject matter.  They contain worksheets, books, nomenclature cards that I will use in my classroom....it makes it easy for me to just grab and go!

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