Saturday, September 12, 2015

Why I Choose Not to teach 9/11 to my class....Love.

Day 5:  "Spiritual love means compassionate involvement where there is a need to be met."--William L. Fischer

I am a patriot.  I am a mother of a man who has served in the Army.  I am a daughter of a man who has served in the Army.  I am a friend, niece and ancestor of many who have served in various military throughout history, from the Revolutionary War to the Current War.  I am so thankful and grateful to all the men and women who sacrificed and served our country that offers us so many freedoms.

I am bothered by an event that has made the local news media and will more then likely make our small towns paper.  A daycare in town posted on our local "Swap and Shop" to "come on out and help these kids out" they are trying to write the names of the 3000 victims from 9/11.  My problem with this is twofold.  First of all this school is a daycare with infants thru 5 year olds, realistically to have those "Little Darlings" trying to write all those names would be impossible at best.  Now if they said please help the Staff write the names great, because that would have been the more truthful statement. In all the pictures that I saw posted the 7-8 children were sitting watching the adults write the names.  That's a lot of names to watch being written down.  How long were they made to sit on concrete to watch this?  What lesson was really being taught?  The premise was a nice one but I wonder how involved the children REALLY were or were they just "props" in a ploy to bring media attention to the daycare?  Keep in mind most of these children are still "learning to write."  Secondly,  as I stated before if the Staff wanted to ask Parents and the community to help remember the victims from 9/11 as a special project I have no problem with that.  I have a problem with how do you explain this event to 3,4 & 5 year olds?  How do you teach or talk to them about the senseless death of 3,000 people?

Years ago after talking to parents, family members, church members and staff members, I chose not to teach about 9/11.  I did struggle with that decision but I'm at peace with knowing that if small children want to know about 9/11 their parents should be the ones to discuss those events with them.  And I'm talking about SMALL children, not school age children.  I know the public and private grade schools do an awesome job of honoring and teaching those older children about the events of 9/11.  I just feel that it is a lot to ask a 3,4 or 5 year old to absorb and fully understand the horrible events that happen on that day.  It's a lot for little minds to understand.  Through out our school year I teach about patriotism, peace and diversity.  Honoring and being thankful for those people who serve our country and protect our freedoms and keep us all safe in our communities.  God knows they will learn plenty about terrorism and war when they go to public or private they need to be taught that at the ages of 3,4 &5?  I guess I'm too much of a "Momma Bear"....I want to protect them from the ugliness that is in our world and teach them about Love and Peace.  Using small children and 9/11 together to promote your daycare just doesn't sit well in my mind or my heart.  I wish they would have done it as maybe a Staff Bonding event and not involve small children.

As my Co Teacher mentioned, "The events of 9/11 is overwhelming and scary for children at such a young age and we feel it is better left to parents to decide when the appropriate time is to tell them of the events surrounding 9/11 and also how much to tell them."   But I also feel making them watch adults write 3000 names is overwhelming too!

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