Monday, September 14, 2015

Day 7: Being Connected

"How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity."--Psalms 133:1

Today in my PreK/Kinder class the lesson was about The Universe.  Trying to help "Little Darlings" understand how big and vast the Universe,  is a daunting task.  I even quoted Buzz Lightyear, "To infinity and beyond!"  But honestly the thought is more than likely hard for even an adult to understand just how big the Universe really is.   It goes on and doesn't stop, to infinity and beyond.

We are just a small speck in this vast universe but we all play a part.  We touch each other's lives, either directly or perhaps indirectly.  Teaching a child that they can make a difference in this world is difficult.  So many are still at the age of "me" or "I want this" or "I want that."  To try to get them to think beyond their self is interesting at best and challenging at most. So as a teacher just how do I try?   I love the Montessori Lesson where you use the "Pink Tower" as a way of showing a child how they are part of the Universe.  You use the ten blocks stacking them from largest to smallest.  The Universe is the room you are in.  I explain that as far as you can see is the Universe.  I use the biggest pink block as the Galaxy.  The. next biggest block is the Solar System, the Earth, then North America, The United States of America, the state of Missouri, the town of Smithville, the street their home is, then their family and the smallest Block is the child.  It gives the "Darlings" a visual of the speck of them in contrast to the Universe.  We also made wax paper universes.  Each one was unique and as individual as each child is.  We also discussed that we are an important unique part of our Universe.  We all play an important role in not only our own life but the lives of others.

Although I'm not allowed to teach religion, I am a Christian and I feel that God's spirit has the ability to connect us all.  I can't quote scripture in class but I am allowed to quote Buzz Lightyear, "To Infinity and beyond!"  And show it with the Montessori Pink Tower!

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