Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sometimes the best made plans.....

Day 2:  "The greatest power in the world, the power of God, is aptly described by the phrase "power to give."--Ernest C. Wilson, from the book Daily Word for Families by Colleen Zuck, Janie Wright and Elaine Meyer.

I'm a firm believer in a "To Do List", I've made them for as long as I can remember.  Do I always accomplish everything on my list every day?  Of course not, but the list does help to keep me on task and to remember what I actually did want to get done that particular day.  Many years ago I use to feel that I would somehow fail if I did not absolutely complete EVERYTHING on my list for that day.  Well as my children got older and more involved in different activities, I learned rather quickly that outside forces not within my control would effect how or if I could even complete one thing on my list.  Yesterday was a perfect example.  One of my teachers had a sick child so they had to stay home yesterday.  Needless to say this had a bit of an impact on being able to get some down time for completing the paperwork I wanted to get done.  Was it earth shattering that I wasn't able to complete it? Nope but it did change up the flow of my day.  I've learned to "go with the flow" as they say.  But that was work, when I was heading home my daughter informed me that "we needed to make a couple of  Gooey Butter Cakes for her British Literature Class for tomorrow".  So my to do list for organizing the Master Bath that was planned for last  night will wait until tonight instead.  Story of my life! :).

I've learned these last few months to let go a bit on the small stuff and work hard on improving the big stuff!  Hey my 17 year old daughter wants to cook a cake!  I plan on being in the kitchen with her for some mother daughter bonding time!  And I always love sharing recipes with friends and family so here is the recipe for a St Louis Favorite:

Gooey Butter Cake

There are several versions but my family loves this one the best!  It makes a 9x13 cake.
Preheat oven to 350. Lightly grease or spray with Pam your cake pan.

1 box yellow cake mix
4 cups powdered sugar
8oz cream cheese
1/2 cup melted butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 eggs

Empty cake mix into large bowl with the butter and 1 egg, stir together until a sticky doughy consistency.  Press mixture into 9x13 pan.  In a large bowl mix cream cheese, 2 eggs, vanilla extract and powdered sugar.  Throughly beat mixture with electric mixer on medium for 3 minutes until smooth.  Pour this mixture on top of the sticky, doughy mixture in the cake pan.  Bake at 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes.  The cake will be dense and gooey with a thin crust which should turn to a golden brown.  Wait unit the cake is COMPLETELY COOLED  until cutting.  You may dust some  powdered sugar on top of the cooled cake before cutting.  Cut into small squares and enjoy this rich yummy St Louis Classic Cake!

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