Wednesday, September 30, 2015

You gotta have a Plan...

"Small changes can make a big difference"...anonymous

Weigh In Wednesday's:

Starting weight was 177 as of September 21st.

I've finished the book The Carb Nite Solution.  It was informative and made a lot of sense, but realistically I don't believe I can implement it into my daily life.  I think what I will do is dig out my old Weight Watcher books and very much like the 21 day fix use containers to help me with portion control.  Our family was in Carrollton for "Band Days" and they have a ShopKo.  Often in the past when we have had to make trips up to Carrollton I enjoy popping into ShopKo to see what deals I can find.  I came across these portion containers that I will be using very much like they do for the 21 day fix.  I got these on sale for $11.50 they are regularly $22.99.  They are much cheaper then the cost of those 21 day fix containers that seem to be all the rage right now.

I am also interested in trying the PIYO diet.  I ran across it on Pinterest and did some research.  I sounds like a diet I could also stick to.  On the website: there is a couple of free printables for the PIYO food list and the eating plan check list.  It helps you watch your carb intake and is also about portion control.  The website gives you step by step how to determine your "Caloric Target" and "The Food Plan." The food list is very realistic and doable for me.  I know that I will need to "watch my carb" intake as my body does seem to hold on to carbs.

During my journey on my attempt to get healthy I will be posting some meal ideas, my exercise for the week and my weigh in.  I'm hoping my struggles and successes can help to motivate others also as they follow me along on my journey to get healthy and feel more comfortable with myself.

 Please note I am NOT in the medical field and I also am not a sales nor spokes person for Weight Watchers or PIYO. I also do not receive any compensation for mentioning these companies in my blog.  I'm just sharing my personal thoughts and experiences.  I also am not trying to encourage people to follow my diet and exercise program.  Like everything in life what works for some people does not always works for others.  This is my plan for me and my lifestyle.

Weigh in for September 30th:  175 down 2 lbs.  I walked a total of 8 miles last week.  Normally during the week I will skip breakfast and have just coffee.  I get up pretty early, anywhere between 5am to 6am and I just can't eat as soon as I wake up.  Something that I'm doing different this last week is I'm bringing an oatmeal packet to work and having breakfast with some of my "Little Darlings" in the morning.  So far it seems to workout OK and I'm not starving by 10am!  I've also packed my lunch instead of eating lunch out.  I'm using the containers for portion control and it is helping me not over eat.  I'm truly full after eating my portions.  I'm hoping that those small changes will make a big difference down the road with helping me lose weight.

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