Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Let's Get Physical....

Day 8:  "The roads we take are more important than the goals we announce.  Decisions determine destiny."--Frederick Speakman

I know I need to be healthier.  I know I need to lose weight.  Not want NEED!  I don't care to look like I'm in my 20's, 30's or 40's. I'm not at all trying to keep up with my skinny girlfriends, who by the way complain that they are fat when they really aren't.  I just shake my head like REALLY, your like a size 2 and 5 and you think you girls have a weight problem?  I'm in my 50's and proud of that.  I'm not wanting to be "skinny" I just want to be healthy and I do want to "feel" better.  I was on track to doing that, I had lost 14 lbs doing Crossfit and I had dropped a couple sizes in clothes and then I had a terrible time over the winter health wise.  I had gotten sick and just could not shake it.  Being sick over the winter months took a toll on my body both physically and mentally. I have gained back the 14 plus 10!  I'm now back to feeling better and energy wise I feel not great but better. I'm mentally ready to begin a workout regimen.  I don't want to jump in all gung ho and injure myself so I'm taking it slow.  My goal is to begin walking 2 miles three times a week for about a month.  After that I'm hoping that I can join my hubs and go back to doing Crossfit.  I would like to do Crossfit 3 times a week and walk 2 times a week, well at least that's my ultimate goal!

A year ago last July I asked, no I begged my husband to come with me to our friends open house for their newly opened Crossfit Gym, aka "Box."  After Christmas I got sick I had to stop per Drs orders and it has been hard to get up the energy since then to go to Crossfit.  Also the extra weight I had put on during  a winter of lots of bed rest after coming home from work and no exercise has not only taken a toll on my energy but physically I'm just in bad shape.  My husband has been going faithfully ever since the first day he started.  He has lost 25 pounds and has muscle tone that he never use to have.  He has lost almost all of his belly and I can tell he has tons of energy.  He has inspired me to try to get back to working out.  I want to feel better, have more energy and working out also helped me to sleep better at night.  I also feel working out gave me a sense of calmness, weird I know but it did.

So yesterday to begin my journey on getting back into the "swing of things" I went to the local High School track and walked approximately 2 miles.  I say approximately because I was walking with a co worker and we got to talking about our children and lost track of how many times we went around! I do know we did at least 7-8 times around the track though! LOL But the bottom line I did take the first step to begin my journey to get healthy.

I'm working my way through the book THE CARB NITE SOLUTION by John Kiefer, BA, MS and when I finish, which I hope to do by the end of next week, I plan on implementing that diet into my workout plan.  I will share my journey good and bad to see if I can finally be determined enough to get healthy!

Day 1:  Walked 2 miles, weight 177, yes I did just post that for all the world to see...I want to be held accountable for my weight loss journey and part of that is owning it!  I also know that as a person, I'm more than my dress size and a number on the scale.  I'm not concerned about looking "cute" in a swimsuit.  I want to be healthy and feel good and have more energy, period.  If looking "cute" in an outfit is a side benefit than so be it, but it is not my motivation.

I'm not brave enough to post a picture of me in a swimsuit but here's a picture of me taken by my daughter last week.  For the record "thick or thin" I've never been one who likes getting my picture taken.  My husband says I need to get over that because my great grandchildren should know what "Nona" looks like after I'm gone one day :). I must mention that I am motivated and inspired by 3 women currently who are on their own journey to get healthy.  The first is my daughter in law who has a full time job as a teacher, is a mother to a small child and is probably one of THE busiest people I know....did I mention she has TWO Master Degrees which she got after becoming a momma!  She gets up at 4-4:30 am during the week to workout....THAT is dedication!  She is working hard and it shows, her face just has that healthy glow and she has lost a good amount of weight too.  She looks AMAZING!  My other 2 women are co workers who aren't doing anything special, just portion control and mostly walking.  Their progress has been steady and gradual and the results also have been amazing.  These two women also have very busy lives.  So I have been inspired to take that first step to a healthier lifestyle.  Please wish me luck and encouragement on my journey......

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