Monday, September 21, 2015

Day 11 Organization is Key....

"I've learned time management, organization and I have priorities."--Tory Burch
My goal for this blog is to be informative, inspiring, helpful with a splash of humor tossed in for good measure.  I have quickly discovered that to type a blog everyday is a challenge and one that I quickly found out I'm not going to be able to do on a daily basis.  So I'm hoping to post at least 3-4 times a week instead of everyday.  I don't want this blog to just be random thoughts for the purpose of posting something...anything!  I'd like to have my blog serve a purpose, to entertain and inform.  So I'm organizing my posts to be the following subjects:

Manic Mondays will be posts of comfortable and affordable work outfits that I have thrown together for the week.

Weigh In Wednesdays will be tracking my personal exercise and weight loss for the week and I'll share some yummy recipe ideas here and there too.

Thrifty Thursdays will be sharing some creative and thrifty ways to get things for my home, classroom or things for myself and family without breaking the bank!

FLYLADY Fridays will be occasional posts from "The FLYLADY and her books or website to help offer organizational hints for all us very busy Moms and Teachers out there in blog land.  I just love her and feel I must share her fab ideas!

Every post will have a quote.  I like to share quotes because I think they can inspire and often make you think about things....much like poetry just shorter and a bit easier to understand.  :).

My OCD has encouraged me to "organize" my blog so that it's not just daily random thoughts.  Oh I may occasionally throw some in every once in awhile if it's something that is important to me and I think you would be interested to read it.  But mostly I think I'll stick to the above mentioned format, I don't want to miss out on any family time because I'm stuck on my computer thinking what to write about!  ðŸ˜Š

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