Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thrifty Thursday....A little bit of this and a little bit of that!

"A Bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it"--Bob Hope

Before teaching I spent a big part of my career in my 20's and 30's in banking.  You learn a lot about people's financial habits when you are in banking.  Usually the people with the most net worth have the most debt.

I know what it is like to have two pennies to rub together after paying all the bills and you pray that nothing major happens before the next pay day.  I at one time was a single mother working two jobs so I learned how to stretch a dollar or two.  Back then was when I started hitting garage sales and thrift stores to help make ends meet.  As a teacher I now go thrifting for books and things for the classroom, Halloween costumes, decor for my home, stuff for the camper, clothes items for my get the idea.

To be a successful thrifter you need an idea of what your looking for, the patience to wait until you eventually find what your looking for and for it to be the right price for your budget.  Also time....time to look.  A perfect example for me, I had found the prettiest blue drop earrings on sale at Maurice's for less than $5.  I loved them and the price was right but I didn't like the necklace that actually matched the earrings so I only bought the earrings.  I wore the earrings without a necklace, I'd wear a scarf or just not wear anything in place of the necklace.  A couple weeks ago my hubs wanted to buy a belt.  He was appalled at the cost of new belts and mentioned that he wanted to go thrifting.  He scored a new belt for $3.00. While he was "looking around" I spotted a necklace that seemed as though it would match my earrings, it was only $4.00.  So I bought the necklace and took it home and it matched the earrings perfectly.  Score!  My patience had paid off.

I saw a few other things there but I didn't have time to really look as my hubs was done and wanted to go.  I went back later in the week but I'll share that adventure in a later blog!

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