Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thrifty Thursday---Organization is Key!

"Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up."--A.A. Milne (author of Winnie the Pooh)

I admit I'm an organizational junkie!  Does that mean that I am ALWAYS organized?  That I have everything where it should be?  That my home is always clean and tidy?  No!  But I do enjoy the satisfaction and sense of "calm" an organized space provides.

I love organizing stuff, my home, my office, my classroom....other people's stuff.  The routine of purging and creating a sense of order just delights me....weird I know!  I wasn't always like this though, it grew out of necessity when I was a divorced mother of two young active boys and I was working two jobs and very involved in my church and the boys school.  I was BUSY!  BUSY! BUSY!   Being organized helped me to "not be all mixed up!"  :)

Through the years I have found certain habits and ways to organize that helps me to not only save time but money as well.  My pantry, freezers and refrigerator being organized allows me to be better prepared and equipped at planning meals which is saving our family money.  I can go to any of those areas and with in a couple seconds pull out what I need to prepare our meals.  Are you interested in how I've set up my system?  It's really not hard nor expensive either, I use "areas" and containers to section off my items.

Here's some examples:

In the small freezer in the kitchen I have a small basket full of different cheeses, on my very top shelf I have containers of frozen chopped fresh herbs, onions, carrots, green peppers and celery.  Those items tend to be staples when it comes to "home cooking".....I also have a clear container on a lower shelf that have unopened frozen vegetables.  I also have a small container with a couple of "meat less" meats as I have a "daughter in love" who is a vegetarian.  I keep partial opened bags in the door so that I'll use those first before opening another new bag.  Haven't you ever cleaned out your freezer and found 4-5 partial bags of peas?  LOL I did before coming up with this routine!  Also on the bottom of my freezer is a drawer where I keep the meats I plan on using for the next couple weeks meals.

In the large freezer we have in the garage I keep my frozen foods in those "white rubber tubs" separated by descriptions like:  beef, chicken, seafood, pork, veggies and fruits.  This system seems to really work for me and when I do go grocery shopping it actually speeds up the unloading grocery process, another time saver!  Also when it is time to clean the freezers you just pull out the baskets or tubs, wipe down the inside with warm water and a little bit of baking soda, quickly dry the inside and replace the baskets and tubs back into the freezers.  If you chose to do the same system as I do you can quickly clean your freezers in no time. And it will not seem like such a huge task in the future.

Here's a picture of my small freezer and how I have it organized...

Easy, simple, fast....I'm all over that kinda stuff!

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