Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Weigh In Wednesday--week 2

"Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle."--Unknown

At first last week when I "only" lost 2 lbs I saw a picture of a pound of fat that was floating around on Facebook, it was then that I felt proud of myself for losing just 2 pounds.

This week's weigh in is 175...I stayed the same.  Not great but I had to start taking Prednisone and some Antibiotics for a spider bite.  And well if any of you have been on Prednisone it kinda ramps up your appetite.  I'm trying to not give in to all the hunger pangs but I'm not gonna lie, it's difficult!  I'm walking and doing some yoga this week as my left hip is bothering me and that usually happens from sitting in tiny chairs in my classroom during the day.  So I'm just glad I didn't gain this week.  I'm on the mess for 10 days....wish me luck and determination for next week's weigh in!

My hubs and I had a serious talk about finances and how can we cut back, pay off debt and save for vacation and the fact we will more than likely be needing to purchase a car in the next year, his car is 11 years old and still driving good but we will have another driver in the family soon so we are planning to give her "Dad's car" and Dad will get a new or almost new car.  One of the things that we discussed that I feel I need to get better at is meal planning.  I USE to be very good at that.  I'd plan our meals based on the grocery sales items and would also "shop" my pantry and freezer to prepare home cooked meals.  Well this past year we have been eating out more or grabbing fast food which I know is not only unhealthy but expensive as well.  We added just last months fast food and eating out expense and it came up to almost $450.00, for  just one month.  Sooooo I've dug out my cookbooks, cleaned my freezer and took inventory of  both the freezer and pantry.  One of the meals that I fixed was on Monday and it was delicious and simple. AND I already had all the ingredients.  I love using my crock pot and in the Autumn months it just seems to scream soups!  So here is my Italian Chicken Soup Recipe:

5 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
4 c low sodium chicken broth
2 c water
1 small white onion, chopped
3 carrots, diced or shredded
1 stalk celery, diced
1/4 t thyme
1/4 t basil
1/4 t fennel seed
1/4 t pepper
1 cup orzo or digital pasta, uncooked

Place all ingredients except the pasta in a crockpot and cook on high for 4-5 hours.  If you use frozen chicken like I did you may need to cook it a bit longer until chicken is cooked through.  After chicken has cooked I "fish" the breasts out of the crockpot and put in a bowl or on a plate to shred with two forks.  After I'm done shredding the chicken, I place back into my crockpot and added the pasta and cook on high for 30-40 minutes or until the pasta is done.

Yields approximately 6 servings, I hope you enjoy it!

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