Sunday, December 6, 2015

Cooking Is Love made visible...

"Cooking is Love made visible"--Unknown.

There is so much truth in that statement!  As a wife and mother I try to fix the foods I know my family will not only like but Love.  During the holidays when we are all together it can sometimes be a challenge as my three children often like different things and I do try to make at least one thing that they each will love. 

I'm a fan of the show "Everybody Loves Raymond".  My husband says I'm a bit like Debra but with shades of Marie tossed in!  LOL I'm not sure if that's a compliment or an insult!  But one thing I do know for sure is that both Debra and Marie love their family with all their hearts and would do most anything for them.  I can say that I'm a much better cook than Debra and I do get Marie's statement that when she cooks "it comes from Love".   

When I cook I want my family to enjoy the meal I've prepared.  I want the mealtime experience to be pleasant memories, I want their 5 senses to become a whirlwind of pleasure when we are all around the table eating, talking and enjoying each other being together.  I can say that most of the times when my children were growing up we always sat down together for dinner.  It's was nice to come together and touch base, visit and spend that time eating and relaxing around the table.  

I have such fond memories of family meals especially the huge family holiday meals or reunion picnics when we would get together at my grandparents home or another relatives home and eat, laugh and play with our cousins, visit with our Aunts and Uncles and listen to stories, play games, swim and just enjoy the day together.  Those were special times and I enjoyed being around the people I love so much!  I use to spend time at both sets of grandparents and I would often spend time sitting in the kitchen helping, watching and learning how to cook.  I'm blessed that not only both of my grandmothers,  who were great cooks, but also my Mother and my Aunts on both sides of my family!  I have many treasured tried and true recipes from many of those wonderful ladies!  Those recipes I treasure as much as my photographs!  I have made "Nanny's" Chicken and Rice for many a guest with rave reviews!  And Grandma's homemade Chocolate Cake is the best, bar none! Aunt Shirley's Italian Roast Beef sandwiches or Aunt Peggy's fried Pork Chops, Aunt Glenda's Creamed Corn or BBQ, Aunt Frankie's Fried Chicken, Aunt Zola's Mostcacoli, Aunt Terri's Spagetti and meatballs and of course my mother's potato salad, Cole slaw and Turkey Dressing are always on a request list when she comes to visit any of her children.  I've been told I'm a pretty good cook, but I can't begin to fill the shoes of these ladies when it comes to their culinary prowess in the kitchen.  My Grandmothers and My Aunt Frankie are no longer with us but their cooking and memories are forever engraved in my heart.

It wasn't just the deliciousness of the food that remains ingrained in my memories, it was the love.  They loved cooking for their families and it showed in every detail of the meal.  From the care and preparation to the setting of the table.  I always felt blessed, loved and special when setting down to a meal, especially when it was a holiday or other special occasion.  Everything was so beautiful and delicious.  My Grandmothers, Aunts and Mother were "making Love visible".  

Besides my cherished family recipes below are my "go to" cookbooks, they have stood the test of time.  One that I have and will forever cherish is the "To The Bride", it was given to my mother as an engagement present from some co-workers of her's before she married my Dad.  It is dated 1960...even though it is an old cookbook there are many classic recipes that I still use today!
And my family around our table....

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